I just wanted to let you know you that the blog may get a little rugby-focussed between now and the 18th March when the Tournament ends. What’s that? You mean you hadn’t noticed I liked rugby? :)
Anyway, as an interlude I will recount a little Parisian story. I was with Emmanuel (my tutor) and, as is often the case when we are out together, we were speaking English. We do this because obviously we think other people cannot understand us as we admire their nice eyes or criticise their dress sense or hairdo, etc., etc. And, as is often the case, the people we come across think, naturally, that we don’t speak French and so practise their English on us. Well, not that I am one to laugh at others’ linguistic blunders (especially as I am prone to them myself) but yesterday, after trying on some jeans and finding they were too short, Emmanuel wasn’t able to get them because, according to the girl, they were too ‘dangerous’. Now, really where did that come from?