31 January 2009


© fantasticfiction
Some days you receive news so surprising that you nearly fall off your chair in astonishment and it takes a little while to recover. The rumour circulating is that a fellow blogger is back after a mysterious vanishing act. If I hadn't actually seen him in the flesh in the meantime, I might have been left wondering if he had in fact achieved the seemingly insurmountable feat of the 'slowest build of a folding boat ever' without blogging about it and that he was now sailing merrily down the Amazon, discovering new worlds, new tribes, having new plants named after him, the list of his exploits seemingly endless and each more amazing than the last ..

Meanwhile, back in the real world, maybe the boat had folded on its maiden voyage without a trace of either it or its captain. Or, more realistically, that life had taken over, he'd got bored and the non-boat had been sitting forlornly neglected in his garage until 2009.

Anyway, I am very happy to be reading about his adventures again so a big round of applause for the return of the folding boat! Yaaay!

26 January 2009


25 January 2009


© c'estsoparis
With just 12 days to go until the VI Nations (yaay!), Mirco in the national squad, Nick Easter in the Elite (as England like to call themselves ;p), Quins through to the quarter finals of the H-Cup, and Stade out (no) thanks to Quins, it's interesting to see that Mills & Boon, in their 100th anniversary year, have come up with a very odd concept: their own 'individual' style of novel within a rugby context. In my own mind (not that it ever crossed it before), the two genres don't combine too easily but apparently M&B has 'moved on and sexed up' (obviously fallen for those taut muscles of calendar fame) and someone at the RFU thinks that rugby needs some romantic injection. Mirco notwithstanding, rugby's definitely best kept tough and with some hard rucking.

24 January 2009


© brunelle
The day before last year turned into a brand new adventure, I was to be found in an on-the-eve sort of mood, contemplating life, its twist and turns, its cross-roads, things achieved (or not), the upheavals and joys of the year, the potential demise of blog. However, 2008 is old hat now (even if it was insensitive enough to give us a second longer due to the slow rotation of the earth to ponder such things) and 2009 promises to be better (it told me so) and there are so many things to look forward to so blog remains for the time being. And however bad I am at maths, I know really that one week into one day just will not go so, even though my passion for life remains undimmed, this year will see blog striving for more focus and less frenzy ;p

18 January 2009


Eighteen days into the year and you must have been quite bored staring at my new year bonfire. You may even have been wondering just where on earth I've been. Never let it be said that I don't concentrate on and apply myself fully to what I'm doing, and especially so around the dreaded Exam Time. Anyway, those particular horrid things are behind me now so, while I gather myself, let's start with a story with which I obviously felt an affinity as child (my young pink scrawl has even marked it as 'My Favourite' on the contents page of my 'Happy Hours Story Book') and which even now seems an apt reflection of my personality.

01 January 2009


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