30 April 2007


I spent a wonderful week-end in Poitiers (which is not just ‘Futuroscope’, which I didn't visit). In fact, it is a very old city (founded in the 4th century). It also seems to have an inordinate amount of churches (including a Notre Dame). And it is built on the top of a very steep hill (rising to 144 metres) on a promontory between two rivers (the Boivre and the Clain). As you can see, my guide was very knowledgeable. And I discovered some wonderful regional delicacies (macaroons, honey and chabichous were my particular favourites). Thank goodness we did a lot of walking is all I can say.

27 April 2007


yatje /jætʃə/ proper noun

1. corruption of name given to a former member of the Felis domesticus family.
2. pet name signifying cheeky minx or mischievous person.
3. me.

etymology: modern Dutch

26 April 2007


Well, it's been a while since I spoke about any rugby but that doesn't mean that it's been far from my thoughts. In fact, I've been able to go to Jean Bouin to watch some training sessions and there's even a match against Montauban coming up this week-end. So there's something to smile about :)

25 April 2007


Recently, we had an interesting discussion about the different sounds emitted by French and English animals. Naturally, I had to research this fascinating subject further and have found a book dedicated to just such a topic. For example, did you know that French hens said ‘côt côt’? And personally, I didn’t think that fish made any sound at all but there you go!

24 April 2007


© gielgud
Well, it’s back to school again after a whirlwind holiday in England. However, ‘beloved tutor’ and I managed to pack in an awful lot in just a few days: seeing ‘Equus’ (where we had THE best seats for observing ALL the action); giving blood (thankfully, I wasn’t anaemic this time); seeing Handel’s Giulio Cesare at the Barbican (no, I didn’t fall asleep despite it being over four hours long and I loved the tall, willowy, female Caesar with the powerful voice, as well as the barefooted violinist); shopping (Oxford Street obligatory); gardening (it’s obvious the plants are missing me). I also discovered a lovely new ‘orange flower and rhubarb’ drink (it tastes better than it sounds, honestly), complete with one of those quirky comments we are so good at inventing: “best when chilled (as indeed we all are)”.

23 April 2007


© reuters
It’s been impossible to move today without hearing something about the results of the first round of the presidential elections, and the forthcoming duel between the Left and Right of French politics, and the massive 85% turnout in voting. So, there are two weeks of fierce campaigning before the final election on 6th May. Intriguingly, I recently browsed through a book about ‘les prétendants 2007’ which vitally omitted an important chapter: on Ségolène Royal (yet funnily enough included a chapter on her partner). Anyway, the official result will be announced on 10th May.

22 April 2007


And I promise to stop posting images without words and get down to some writing! ;p

21 April 2007


© cartoonchurch

20 April 2007


17 April 2007


A couple of week-ends ago, a special friend visited me and was kind and thoughtful enough to bring provisions of plain chocolate digestives. However, fortunately, my cravings for them are slightly more under control these days as I am now staring at the last one in the packet ..

16 April 2007


The internet is an amazing thing, it unites people in an extraordinary way and allows you to experience many wonderful things. It’s on account of two of my passions (namely: rugby and the internet) that I have made the acquaintance of some very interesting people and this week-end, I finally met up with one of these lovely people. After two years of emails, it seems a bit unreal to see them in person, before your very eyes, but it’s a very nice, very exhilirating, experience! And on a related note, also thanks to the internet, I was able to follow Stade as they played a difficult away match at Albi and to hear that they won 21-16.

14 April 2007


13 April 2007


There is a certain laid back atmosphere at the moment in Paris, maybe something to do with the beautiful sunny weather or maybe the school holidays, either way, it’s even more lovely to wander around indulging the senses (and an obsession with a certain set of stripey books) ..

12 April 2007


© proclaimers
I have been mocked many times for certain ‘enthusiasms’ of mine but now what do I hear but The Proclaimers are Number One! Okay, I know it's with Peter Kay but still: scoff away, ye of little faith! ;p

11 April 2007


This week-end, some special friends were in Paris for the Easter week-end and on Sunday, we headed out to Fontainebleau (the forest of wonderful mushroom-gathering fame) for a lovely picnic. Under beautiful sunny blue skies, the wind in our hair, entertainment from a live guitar and small children, it was definitely the place to be.

10 April 2007


It seems like ages since I've been to Jean Bouin but on Saturday, I was back there to watch the match against Brive, a difficult, arduous match which thankfully Stade won. One thing I did like though: the new, VERY clingy, pink training tops, which leave nothing to the imagination ..


09 April 2007


Well, the school trip is over and thankfully we all survived; nobody was lost (or strangled) and we've shared so many great experiences and had a good giggle about (most of) them. I have to admit, however, that I'm finding it hard to shake off the feeling of moving around in a huge gaggle of 56 and have to resist the urge to keep saying: 'Mais, dépêchez-vous!' or 'Attention - les voitures!' Inoubliable!

08 April 2007


02 April 2007


© animalsontheunderground.com
We’re off to England with 50 little teenage horrors.
See you in a week’s time ..

01 April 2007


© bbc
So, this was the week-end of the Quarter Finals for the Heineken Cup. I’m not going to go into details, suffice to say that these are the semi-finalists: Northampton vs Wasps AND Llanelli vs Leicester ..

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