28 December 2007


This in-between time is a good opportunity to catch up on what’s been happening, which truth to tell, isn’t that much since those dreaded end-of-term exams. To begin with, SF lost away to Cardiff and then a week later, they lost again to Montauban; I went to Holland, where it was very frosty and cold, and I stayed in a castle, which was warm and had delicious food, and also to Germany for a Christmas market; there were also some parties and Christmas presents; oh, and revision for some dreaded beginning-of-term exams but that was kept firmly in the background.

25 December 2007


Just surfacing again to wish you all a Merry Christmas and to promise I will catch up between now and the New Year. Really, blog’s gallivanting is getting out of hand, I must put a stop to it!

13 December 2007


© stade.fr
Just surfacing between revision and exams to tell you that Stade won (12-6) against Cardiff last week-end. The score makes the match look better than it was: no tries were scored and for half of the time, Stade seemed to have nodded off, only waking up when they had to defend like mad 5 metres from their try line. This coming week-end is the return match. I just hope Mirco’s playing.

08 December 2007


#3 here is another place which is very evocative for me: The Louvre. Even though I covered many miles, wandering galleries, climbing staircases, sitting on benches, studying the paintings and sculptures (especially the sculptures), gazing out of windows at the lovely views outside, I'm still a long way from exploring everything there. Luckily, my ‘carte Louvre’ is still valid.

05 December 2007


This post is dedicated to my very special friend ‘anon’ who is undergoing a little operation today. I am hoping that all this energy medicine really does work! I’m also a little ashamed to say that congratulations are well overdue for clever anon as she graduated this summer with First Class Honours! (but still, this is no excuse for neglecting your blog, anon! ;p )

04 December 2007


#2 These are very evocative steps for me, they are those leading up to the galerie des chimères of Notre Dame and there are 176 of them. I have lost count of the amount of times I have climbed them.

01 December 2007


December’s here, there are just two little weeks until the end of term, I have no social life and seem to have gone into hibernation-revision mode, so I thought a little retrospective of Paris was in order.
#1 .. begins with the lovely view from my flat last year, taken one beautiful September evening.

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