27 June 2005


Earlier in the week I gave blood. Very altruistic you may think but I’m afraid I have ulterior motives. Being a vegetarian, I tend to suffer from anaemia, especially in the winter months, and so giving blood three times a year gives me an indication of my haemoglobin levels: if my blood sinks like a stone to the bottom of their tester pot, I can donate; if it floats stubbornly on the top, I feel like a reject and have to go and eat parsley and drink Guinness. I am always amazed how many people actually willingly turn up to donate their blood freely, sitting patiently until the phlebotomist calls them to insert the needle into their arm (now without anaesthetic due to cutbacks in the NHS, I presume). But then, I suppose they’re all looking forward to the best bit - the free biscuits at the end.


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