29 October 2006


Today, I am quite tourist-ed out. Don’t get me wrong, I love wandering around and seeing all the sights and hearing all the sounds and experiencing all the new sensations of being in a foreign country but there’s only so much a little brain can deal with, especially when it’s not even sure what time it really is.

I have been learning lots of interesting things like: people here are really friendly but they are not ashamed to wear fur, wellington boots and baseball hats. There are meteorites 'in captivity', apparently. I also discovered that I weigh 3 moon pounds. And it’s not just in France where random strangers talk to me.

And tonight the clocks go back which means a whole extra hour for more exploring!

Oh, and thanks to the wonders of technology, I know that Stade won their H-Cup match against Ospreys, with a try from Mirco!


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