23 June 2010
20 June 2010
© bbc
Well, what do you know? No sooner do I shake my virtual head in a disappointed and disenchanted manner than what do we get? Not one win but two! Midweek and Saturday! Admittedly, it wasn't spectacular, edge-of-the-seat stuff but their holding it together for 80+ minutes and not resigning themselves to another trouncing was reassuring. Meanwhile, Italy did spectacularly well - special mention (as always) to Mirco as kicker - to hold South Africa (who are let's remind ourselves World Champions at the moment) to a score of 29-13. What's more, their coach stated that if they lost with a margin of 20 points or less, he would shave all his hair off. I fear this will not be a pretty sight ..
14 June 2010
© telegraph
Finally! The exams are over and I have simply been enjoying that exquisite sense of freedom that having no revision, no assignments, no lectures, no research, no homework brings, so to be frank the last thing on my mind has been anything blog-like. However, the lamentable rugby events of the week-end have brought out the 'disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' in me and I felt compelled to write in order to vent my spleen. Be warned, many more ventings may follow. I wish I could say hurrah! for the summer tours for, as well as prolonging the rugby season, they are acting, at present, as a distraction from the (inferior game ;p) madness surrounding us. Alas, the northern hemisphere teams* seemed to play in slow motion, lacking imagination or tenacity and for this, they got well and truly spanked by the southern hemispheres. Danny may well raise his arms in despair. It was painful to watch, painful I tell you. Can I bear to watch any more? Erm, yes!
*Hurrah for Scotland, the exception and admirable against Argentina!
*Hurrah for Scotland, the exception and admirable against Argentina!