30 November 2007

SF 22 - DAX 19

© stade.fr
Phew, that was close!

28 November 2007


25 November 2007


© tate
This week-end, I visited two very different exhibitions currently at Tate Britain. One – the Turner Prize retrospective - was for art class, the other – Millais – was for pleasure. Not that art class is unpleasurable but, in general, I just don’t ‘get’ the Turner Prize. However, I was quite surprised at my interest and fascination for some of the exhibits there, even if I wasn’t always in agreement with which ones should have won. The contrast between that and the Millais could not have been more different and to be honest, I felt slightly underwhelmed by the same contrivedness of it all. Next stop, ‘shibboleth’ at Tate Modern.

23 November 2007


After last week, it could have been a tough game against Bayonne. Thankfully though, Stade pulled their socks up and won 46-6. And yes! a Mirco try!

p.s. And ah, he speaks! http://www.rugbyrama.fr/rugby/other/2007/mc_vid57192.shtml

21 November 2007


Recently in physiology classes, we have started to study a subject dear to my heart (in truth, nearer my kidneys) – the urinary system. Out of sheer curiosity for these amazing little filtration pods, and admittedly hands carefully sheathed in surgical gloves, I bought and dissected a kidney (lamb not human) for myself. It was all there: the renal pelvis, the cortex, I was even able to see the calyces leading from the medulla to the ureter. Still, I wasn’t tempted enough to find it appealing for dinner though.

19 November 2007


© bristolrugby
It was not a great day for Stade yesterday in the West Country rain. At the beginning, they seemed to make right nuisances of themselves but this only lasted about 15 minutes and it was increasingly hard to watch as their game deteriorated into a fumbly, un-cohesive muddle. In the end they scored no points whatsoever. No, not even a Mirco try :(

17 November 2007


Although I have got over that initial class palpation squeamishness, I have to admit that I still find it hard to locate bony landmarks, it’s hard enough finding these on myself, let alone on my living, moving fellow students. So, I am now the proud owner of a life-size skeleton, complete with removable cranium, prolapsed vertebral disc and fully articulated extremities. He is fast becoming my anatomy buddy.

15 November 2007


It has come to my attention that certain faithful blog readers have made derogatory comments regarding blog’s lack of updates. Personally, I find this a blatant example of the ‘pot-kettle’ syndrome. However, as I am not so mean-spirited as that, I shall attempt to remedy this situation dès que possible, or at least some time this week-end. Just you watch this space, you, you, bah, couldn’t think of anything excoriating enough!

11 November 2007


© stade.fr
The first week-end of the H-Cup and Stade – and Mirco - start off in style (if you ignore the kit) by winning 37-17. Mirco scored the fourth try - outrunning even David Strettle! - to secure the bonus point! Here’s what he said afterwards:

« C’était un match très dur, mais nous voulions nous rattraper après celui de Toulouse. Nous avons bien défendu et nous avons bien joué les ballons que l’on a eus. Nous avons vu que l’on peut bien jouer en défense et en contre-attaque. La solidarité du groupe est importante. On a fait de bons choix. »
I can hardly wait for the return match!

07 November 2007


© harlequins
Last week-end, Stade changed from their yucky-brown to eye-watering pink kit but this did not prevent them from losing quite badly to Toulouse (28-9). However, this week-end is the start of the H-Cup and Stade are at home to Harlequins - they of jolly multi-coloured kit and David Strettle fame - so if nothing else, it will be a riot of colour. Unless they go for the mud kit ..

04 November 2007


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